Lead with purpose and confidence.
Challenge Impostor Syndrome and Cultivate Self-Belief for Lasting Success.
Coaching and courses to help leaders deal with impostor feelings, develop self-assurance, and achieve career success.
Sounds familiar?
You worry that your team will discover you don't have all the answers and lose confidence in your leadership.
You feel like you're not living up to the expectations of your role or industry, and feel like an impostor among your peers.
You feel pressure to always appear confident and have all the answers, which can be exhausting and isolating.
You struggle to delegate tasks or rely on others, believing that it's your responsibility to do everything yourself.
You avoid seeking out new opportunities or challenges, for fear of failing or being exposed.
You feel like you have to constantly prove yourself to others and that your success is just a matter of luck, rather than your own abilities.
You find yourself in a cycle of worry and over-thinking that negatively impacts your down-time.
I’m Marguerite Farmer, founder of North & Nimble, and certified senior practitioner coach specialising in helping leaders and teams overcome impostor feelings through a psychology-informed, evidence-based approach.
Building upon my MSc research and extensive coaching sessions and conversations with leaders, I’ve developed a process for addressing the various challenges of impostor phenomenon and cultivating a more confident, resilient mindset to achieve your goals.
Overcoming Impostor Syndrome
If you're a leader experiencing the impostor phenomenon, you're not alone (up to 82% of people experience it). It can affect anyone, regardless of their level of experience or success. However, as a leader, it can be especially challenging to navigate because there can be an unspoken expectation to exude confidence and competence at all times. So if you recognise any of the statements in the list above, you’ve come to the right place.